It is a group of all batch mates (2004-05) of PISR (Pakistan International School Riyadh).
PARSAA is a nonprofit organization.
It’s an idea to bring old mates together on one platform and to reunite them. It also aims, through lending to alleviate unemployment and poverty among the batch mates. Provide better care to sick, investigate their problems and further education for those who can’t afford it. Helping each other in different ways, such as; for better future carrier, counseling for upcoming generations and job counseling for recent graduates. We focus on blood donation and providing helping hands especially for our batch mates and Pakistan society in Saudi Arabia.
Provide direct support to an individual, family or community by paying medical expenses or offering financial aid
The need for safe and secure supplies of blood and blood donor in community.
Gather Pakistani community to raise Pakistan Economically.
PARSAA is focusing on our Slogan
"Together We Can, Together We Will"
Stay in touch with childhood friends no matter wherever they are in the world. Help each other in every possible way, in every walk of life in our foremost competence. Educate/help other people of our community in the time of dire need. We lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service. Work with communities to end hunger, unemployment and to promote care for our brothers.
A future where the possibilities, opportunities and dreams come true.
To set an example for our upcoming generations to learn and to educate, give what you have taken, teach what you have learnt.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, get in touch with us directly at